Westside Story - Bregenzer Festspiele 2003

Bregenz, Austria

Westside Story on the lake stage of the Bregenz Festival 

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The “West Side Story”, which transports the timeless Romeo and Juliet material to the West Side of New York and the ambience of the fifties, the successful musical by Jerome Robbins and Arthur Laurents with music by Leonard Bernstein, to the huge open-air stage of the Seebühne of the Bregenz Festival, this idea hit the mark.

 The production by Francesca Zambello and the costumes by Marie Jeanne Lecca deliberately present the events in a somewhat striking way. The worlds of the two gangs are clearly separated, also in terms of colour and with the lighting design by James F. Ingalls contrasts between warm and cold or between the gang colours blue and red – which is emphasised by the colour of appropriately matching glow sticks.

On the sea stage 12 pieces of AO architectural lighting systems 1200W with 240m Lightpipe were installed, which were supplied by A&O Lighting Technology.


Bregenzer Seebühne, Bregenz, Austria



August 2003



12 A&O Architekturscheinwerfer 1200W mit 240m Lightpipe



James F. Ingalls



A&O Lighting Technology Germany

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